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Agape Kids, Inc. and its Mexican counterpart Agape Love A.C. were founded in direct response to some of the harsh conditions a group of children in Tijuana, Mexico were forced to face.  After witnessing these children in a situation no child should have to endure, our team made it our mission to provide these children with the care and support they deserve.

About Us: Values


The Children's Prior Living Conditions

Due to a combination of factors, Mexico is home to a growing number of orphaned and vulnerable children.  Drugs, violence, and crime all flood the city.  Meanwhile, no real foster care system exists and there is a severe shortage of alternative care facilities - group homes, "orphanages", etc - with the few that exist typically being privately run and filled to capacity.  As a result, many children are left orphaned and vulnerable with nowhere to turn.

About Us: History


Our Project: Preparing a Home for Children

Pictured to the left is the "Agape House". It is equipped not only with the resources every child needs, but the love, security, support and personal care they need as well.  After all, this is what makes the house a home, and the members within it a family.

About Us: About
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